Who we are:
Our book: The children’s book aimed at 2–8-year-olds : Molly and Lottie’s Forest adventure. It is
inspired by our school’s two much loved welfare dogs Molly and Lottie. They are at the centre of our
community, and bring many mental health benefits at our school. Our dogs are non-judgemental of
course, empathetic and incredibly compassionate. Here at B WELL we believe strongly in several
messages our book passes on, and that the dogs embody. We encourage all our people to work not
only in a team but with lots of different people, with whom they wouldn’t normally work. In a
world filled with discrimination we believe it’s vital to see past these so-called stereotypes. Those
are just words, let’s leave being cliché to the book characters. Here at B-WELL we think that Diversity
and Uniqueness are the best part of any community.
ironically and in genuine honesty, the team at B WELL have been
on a massive learning curve just like the characters in our book. We’ve learned that not only is it OK
to fail but it is great opportunity. Communication, we have found to be instrumental, in running a
business and in learning to rely on our different individual strengths. From overcoming structural
and delegation issues to managing presentation nerves and adapting to negative customer feedback;
B WELL have certainly been on a journey. We have all acquired time management, prioritisation,
cooperation and project management skills. Our in-house trainee accountants particularly have
excelled themselves in picking up financial knowledge. Through triumphant highs and admittedly
just as many lows, I can still safely say being part of B WELL has been one of the best experiences.
Our Legacy and Impact continue to grow. This has so far been characterised with memories, new
friendships and invaluable life skills.
Our vision: we feel that children are heavily influenced by the media they consume from an early
age, and so we decided to go back to books to pass on some important messages. Covid Lockdowns
have made us realise more than ever 3 things: reading is important, learning is important and the
two go hand in hand in aiding positive mental health. These 3 facts underpin our book. Our motto
at B WELL is as follows ‘Be happy to learn, read and enjoy the rollercoaster ride that is life. Don’t be
a cliché; be yourself’.
Amy Heslop, June 2022
Give us a follow on Instagram @b_well_ye. To order a book visit
+44(0) 203 282 1649
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