Is Spain still very attractive to British expats?

If you are UK tax resident and you are thinking about moving to Spain, this article will be very useful for you. In Spain, you are not only going to find mild weather, beaches and places where you can have a fantastic cuisine, Spain can result really interesting from a tax point of view, especially […]

Non-domiciled ? – the UK wants you here

Americans, Australians, EU nationals et al – welcome   Hello all, my expat tax blog is back, and so we ask … “why did you take a break in the first place ?”  The answer is that I never went away, but the UK tax busy season only ended about six weeks ago. That can […]

2021 UK Tax Changes to Expat Pensions

UK Tax Changes

Pensions are very much a “Marmite issue” to readers, but we often find that new pension laws have a major impact personal finances.  Sorry, Marmite is a British spread, thick and brown, mainly for bread that people either love or hate.  Similar to the pensions topic. UK pensions is an area of law that never […]

COVID and TAX – expatriate stories

expatriatetax london

Covid’s impact on UK tax My stories today focus on expatriate tax as opposed to vaccines for example or new viruses.   In other words, most expatriates have suffered many different Covid inconveniences, but today’s spotlight will be on tax.   There is very good news at the end, if you want to skip. I am an […]

UK expat tax – Tax when leaving the UK – great PowerPoint lesson

Oliver Heslop our MD works closely with an expat content provider About Us – Expat FocusWe can’t recommend them enough.  Oliver recently provided full tax technical input on this session.Please see the session “What to Do When Leaving the UK”  at  Expat Focus    It’s free.

How much does an Expatriate UK Tax Return cost ?


It’s the first question that clients ask, and it’s not an easy one to answer.  I would love to reply “ How long is a piece of string ?” which reflects my problem but that’s not helpful to anyone.  You as the consumer need clarity, certainty and tax return fees that represent good value. The […]

An American moves to London…a typical American expat


I am sorry to trick you in the title because there is no typical American expatriate.  We cannot write one blog that covers every scenario for Americans moving to the UK.  However, there are many common traits, and let’s focus on these. Firstly, what does an American taxpayer think about UK taxation ?  “ So, […]

Brits living abroad in the Middle East

We are very proud to say we have served hundreds of expatriates in this region – it is one of our core areas.  We will now explain the main issues in a digestible format. Time to show off first.  “We are very happy in this work …”or in Arabic    نحن سعداء لخدمةنحن سعداء لخدمة We […]